

Jinneng New Material in the building and construction protection areas for our professionals provide high quality and high added value of the global companies. as in research and?development,production, mark eting leader, our product cover fire sealing andfire paints and fire protection and fire, ringthe resistance, the wind, for fire emergency luminaries. our idea is : people- oriented, scientific and technological innovation and in the customer relations hip with res pect to effective marketing continue to pursue excellence.

Atpresent our business has been covered the co untry and outs ide the city, many countries and regions .more than 98% of the staff of tertiary education or above, two-thirds of direct to customers, they are themarke ting depa rtment, engineering an d custo mer service.

Jinneng New Material prevent the company's quality managementsystem, ensure that the raw materials andproduction process to environmental prote ction and IS 09001 and ISO 14001 standards. all the engineers :and technical ma rdk eting, and for cons truction company. des ign companies and contractors provideprofe ss io nal technical a dvis orys ervices and the profess io nalservice and te chnical se minars and training.At the same time. can the fire as the. passive fire theory of researchers and actively organize andparticipate in the fire protection sys tems res earch a nd development of the system more about thefire in thefield of applications in the particularity to complete by the state authorities of the type approval andex amin ation, that fullys atis fy the fire department. the a cceptance

Also provide dedicated on risk management of the insurance s ector's most widely accepted and thequality ofthe F m the tracing management system will guarantee to cus tamers always get the quality 01products.

To improve the product line and the billant performance, for the different nee ds of customers providethe safest, most professionals olutions. we be lieve, will become yo ur first name an d identity of the partners.

蒲城县| 固阳县| 宁明县| 黄陵县| 平陆县| 宜兰市| 吴江市| 犍为县| 云龙县| 东平县| 潞城市| 陕西省| 唐海县| 荆门市| 通道| 马鞍山市| 辽宁省| 鄂尔多斯市| 聊城市| 武陟县| 瑞昌市| 满洲里市| 巫山县| 夏津县| 凌海市| 宣威市| 滨州市| 大悟县| 招远市| 闸北区| 赣州市| 新密市| 沈丘县| 广元市| 唐海县| 泾阳县| 泾川县| 南部县| 江源县| 武安市| 保德县|