
Flexible organic plugging material


This product is also called plastic fireproof mud, which has good plasticity and can be formed at will. The product has good fire resistance, oil resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance, etc.; strong adhesion, can be tightly bonded with various materials; and can be repeatedly disassembled and used. It is used for fire-proof sealing of through-hole gaps such as cables (bridges) and pipes. It can effectively block the flame flaring, spreading and the leakage of toxic smoke.


After kneading the flexible organic plugging material, it is densely embedded in the gap of the part to be plugged. When plugging larger holes, it can be used in conjunction with inorganic plugging materials, fire barriers, and fire blocking plates. When the temperature is too low, the flexible organic plugging material can be warmed in water at about 60 degrees Celsius, and it can be used after the organic softens.

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